Inclusive Transition towards Electric Mobility (ITEM) is funded by JPI-ERANET Urban Accessibility and Connectivity Program and the National Science Centre in Poland under the grant No. 2020/02/YHS4/00078. Professor UAM Aleksandra Lis-Plesińska is the PI at the Polish partner institutions (AMU and Heksagon Research).
ITEM addresses the European cities’ attempts – Bristol, Oslo, Poznań and Utrecht – to accelerate the electric mobility (EM) transition. Unclear is how socially just these attempts and their outcomes are in terms of who benefits (distribution), whose needs are considered (recognition), and who gets to decide and how (participation). The proposed research advances inclusive EM transitions on the urban scale through a dual perspective on households and urban policy. It examines inequalities in households’ EM-related needs, capabilities, decision-making, accessibility and everyday mobility. It also analyses how and to what extent EM policies take the aforementioned distribution, procedure (participation) and recognition dimensions into account. It finally co-produces understandings of how urban and transport planning goals regarding sustainability and accessibility can be strengthened through inclusive EM transition processes.
The project is carried out within an international consortium of the following institutions: the Institute of Transport Economics in Oslo (Project Leader), Transport Studies Unit at the University of Oxford, Department of Geography and Spatial Planning at the Utrecht University, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and Heksagon Research S.A.
The Poznań team includes researchers from Adam Mickiewicz University and Heksagon Research S.A.: Prof. UAM Aleksandra Lis-Plesińska, Dr. Rafał Szymanowski, Dr. Marek Jaskólski, Dr. Filip Schmidt, Zuzanna Jezierska, Magdalena Szemioth, Piotr Drygas, Maria Lompe.
Project website:
Policy brief summarizing the results of the project (PL):