The Research Centre serves as a platform to foster interdisciplinary scholarship and collaboration on environmental issues, energy transformation
and transport sectors
Environmental relations
Current multiple crises are deeply connected to the way people imagine society and nature, therefore we problematise and rethink social structures that define life beyond humans
Energy transition
Climate crisis demands from us to change the way we undertand, produce and consume energy. We deal with these challenges within multidisciplinary teams and in collaboration with stakeholders
Sustainable transport
Environmental and climate crises are forcing us to question how people travel, work and move in general. What factors and powers determine the possibilities for more sustainable and just transport?
team members
millions euro granted
Ankieta – Analiza wymagań i funkcji platformy ERICA
Zajmujesz się monitorowaniem środowiska? W zakresie Twoich zainteresowań leży nauka obywatelska? Chciał(a)byś przyczynić się do powstania platformy ERICA project i...
Launch of the Research Centre
The Research Centre for Energy and Environmental Challenges was officially launched on 29 April with a discussion with Dr Joanna...
Conference on Energy Transformation in Boguszów-Gorce
On May 24th, a conference on energy transformation was held in Boguszów-Gorce, Wałbrzych County, with dozens of participants from Poland....