Team Group: Researchers and Collaborators

Weronika Warachowska

Weronika Warachowska, PhD Eng. in the field of environmental and earth science at the Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation at...

Joanna Gruszczyńska

Joanna is a chemical engineer, ethnology student and culture animator. She graduated from the Poznań University of Technology with a...

Anna Olszewska

A passionate anthropology student and yoga and meditation teacher, a psychotherapist in training in Process Oriented Psychology, a graduate in...

Rafał Szymanowski

Rafał Szymanowski is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poland....

Marek W. Jaskólski

Marek Jaskólski – Doctor of Earth and Environmental Sciences & practitioner in urban planning and sustainability management. He professes the...

Karolina Dziubata-Smykowska

Karolina Dziubata-Smykowska, PhD. – anthropologist, staff member at the Institute of Anthropology and Ethnology at AMU Poznan, member of Polish...

Filip Schmidt

Filip Schmidt, PhD, is a sociologist at the Department of Social Practice Research and Theory, Faculty of Sociology, and at...

Krzysztof Mączka

Krzysztof Maczka, PhD, is a sociologist at the Department of Social Problems Research and Social Work, Faculty of Sociology, Adam...

Zofia Boni

Zofia Boni is a social anthropologist, an Assistant Professor at the Department of Anthropology at AMU. Her research interests include...

Hannah Wadle

Hannah Wadle is a UK- and Germany-trained Social Anthropologist, based at Adam-Mickiewicz-University Poznań. Her current interest is in decolonializing Risk through...

Katarzyna Iwińska

Dr Katarzyna Iwińska (female) is a sociologist whose work focuses on the human perspective on a changing energy and environmental...

Mikołaj Smykowski

Dr Mikołaj Smykowski – ethnographer and cultural anthropologist, assistant professor at the Institute of Anthropology and Ethnology, Adam Mickiewicz University,...

The Centre is based at the School of Humanities
at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland.

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