Andrzej W. Nowak (The Faculty of Philosophy of the Adam Mickiewicz University) – A scholar active on the intersection of social philosophy and philosophy of science and technology. Interested in the social and political dimensions of materiality. An important part of his interests is the study of scientific and social controversies and processes of producing fears, doubts and ignorance. Attempts to combine the ontological sensibility of posthumanism with the Promethean promise of modernity and the Enlightenment A populariser of Immanuel Wallerstein’s modern system-world theory in Poland, with a particular interest in the study of semi-periphery.
Author of the books),

Books (in polish): Wyobraźnia ontologiczna.2016,  Podmiot, system, nowoczesność  2011) co-author of books Czyje lęki? Czyja nauka? Struktury wiedzy wobec kontrowersji naukowo -społecznych 2016 (togheter with Abriszewski and Wróblewwki) and (english) Polish Science and Technology Studies in the New Millennium  2022(with Abriszewski and Derra). Author of several dozen scientific articles, an active participant in scientific and public life, occasionally a publicist, also present in the blogosphere