Nature protection area Natura 2000 as a multispecies network of dependencies. Non-obvious relations in anthropological perspective is funded by the National Science Centre under the project number 2021/43/D/HS3/02018 and led by Dr Małgorzata Z. Kowalska at the Faculty of Anthropology and Cultural Studies of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.

The project is carried out at Lake Niedzięgiel, in a nature conservation site in the Gnieźnieńskie Lakeland, in an area affected by climate change and under significant anthropogenic pressure. Based on discussions with limnologists, phycologists and other natural scientists, and adapting the hydrobiological understanding of underwater stonewort meadows as ecosystem engineers, the research aims to reimagine the non-humans in the environment not as valuable objects, but as co-constituents of local sociality (Tsing 2013) and meaning (Krause and Strang 2016). It aims to shift attention from managerial practices to more ecological thinking (Bateson 1972), arguing against the backgrounding of nature (Plumwood 1993) through the ethics of connectedness (Rose 2007, 2011, 2017).

Joanna Gruszczyńska and Anna Olszewska, students at the Department of Anthropology and Ethnology at AMU, are the project researchers.