Embodying Climate Change: Transdisciplinary Research on Urban Overheating (EmCliC) is funded as an IdeaLab project, from the EEA grants 2014–2021 under the Basic Research Programme operated by the Polish National Science Centre in cooperation with the Research Council of Norway (grant no 2019/35/J/HS6/03992). The project is led by dr Zofia Boni.

Climate science is often abstract and difficult to understand, presented thorough complex models and statistics. You cannot easily smell, touch or see climate change. At the same time, people experience and embody climate change on a daily basis, for instance through more intense and frequent heatwaves. Heat exposure, exacerbated in cities, severely affects people’s health and wellbeing, especially the most vulnerable groups, such as adults above 65 years old. By focusing on urban heat in two European locations, Warsaw and Madrid, EmCliC connects the abstract, global and seemingly disconnected natural occurrences with older people’s local knowledges and embodied experiences.

We explore urban heat and climate change as both an environmental and social phenomenon. In order to do this, the project takes an interdisciplinary approach and converges various analytical perspectives and quantitative and qualitative research methods. Team members come from a diverse set of disciplines, including environmental physics, sociology, economy, environmental and climate science, and social anthropology.

More information: www.emclic.com.

The project research team at AMU includes: Dr Zofia Boni (PI), mgr Zosia Bieńkowska, dr Paloma Yáñez Serrano and dr Franciszek Chwałczyk.