On 01 March 2024, a workshop on reviewing and assessing the coherence of urban policies on electromobility and a summary of the project, together with a presentation of the preliminary results of the geo-survey, took place at the Collegium Historicum of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.  The meeting was organised as part of the project ITEM – Inclusive Transition towards Electric Mobility, (2020/02/YHS4/00078).

Up to 16 people attended the meeting on a rotating basis. Representatives of the entities present were: GLS Poland, Poznań City Transport Authority, Poznań City Roads Authority, Poznań Youth Council, Adam Mickiewicz University, Office of Digitalisation and Cyber Security – Poznań City Hall, Mobility and Transport Policy Branch – Poznań City Hall and Foundation for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles.

We would like to thank all those present.

Team ITEM Poznań