The kick off of the project “ERICA – Environmental monitoRIng through Civic engagement” took place in Corleto Perticara, Basilicata region, from 12-16.12.2023. Representatives of all the organizations that make up the consortium (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Universitat de Barcelona, Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan, COVA Contro, Software e Consulting SRL, Source International and the European Association for Local Democracy) met to discuss the various tasks of the project and field visits to the environment of the Tempa Rossa and COVA (Centrale oil Val d’Agri) oil fields. COVA Contro NGO member Giorgio Santoriello told the project participants about the association’s activities, the impact of the petrochemical industry on the local landscape and the health of the region’s residents, and the tools they use for citizen monitoring (including a camera with an intervalometer and motion sensor and a sonometer). The Adam Mickiewicz University team was represented by Dr. Karolina Dziubata-Smykowska. The next meeting will take place next year in Barcelona, the headquarters of the Universitat de Barcelona, from where the project participants will travel to see the Tarragona refinery.


1. Giorgio Santoriello mounting a camera with an intervalometer at a water source to check if animals are drinking water contaminated with chemicals from nearby oil fields;

2. Lake di Pietra del Pertusillo located below the COVA oil field, where the COVA Contro organization measures water pollution.