On May 23, 2023, members of the ITEM research consortium from Poznan: Aleksandra Lis-Plesińska, Marek Jaskólski, Rafał Szymanowski took part in the ENS Research Seminar organized by The European New School of Digital Studies, a joint academic venture of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) and the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan. They presented a paper “Transition imaginary of electric mobility in Poland: Expectations, projects and the political economy of electric mobility” during a session hosted by Dr. Mike Cowburn.  Transdisciplinary discourse about topics that matter for the digital transformation of European society is an important part of the ENS community. Therefore, the ENS seminar connects economists, lawyers, social scientists and technical experts in computer and technology sciences to take on the challenges of the digital transformation. Around 20 participants, both scholars and ENS students, listed to the presentation and shared their feedback. We want to thank all the participants for their feedback, reflection, discussion and critique of our work done within the ITEM consortium.